Order or Reorder Your Herbs!

Questions?  Schedule Herbalist Mo on ZOOM, Facetime or old school phone call.


New clients receive a Personal Herbal and Lifestyle plan that indicates where to order your herbal supplements. If you’re still not sure, feel free to email HerbalistMo@gmail.com with your questions.

Existing clients can order refills of existing formulas and supplements directly from the seller, such as your personal account at www.Fullscript.com, where Herbalist Mo refers clients for high quality herbal and natural supplements. Again, if you’re not sure or have questions, reach out to HerbalistMo@gmail.com

Ordering Remedies

New clients receive a Personal Herbal and Lifestyle plan that indicates where to order your herbal supplements. If you’re still not sure, feel free to email HerbalistMo@gmail.com with your questions.

Existing clients can order refills of existing formulas and supplements directly from the seller, such as your personal account at www.Fullscript.com, where Herbalist Mo refers clients for high quality herbal and natural supplements. Again, if you’re not sure or have questions, reach out to HerbalistMo@gmail.com

    Why Herbalist Mo?

    Support Community Care

    Herbalist Mo is an ardent supporter of community herbalism for underserved populations. In 2018, Mo cofounded Wild Roots People’s Clinic, a low-cost, Herbalists Without Borders chapter that supports accessible alternative care in Omaha, Nebraska.

    Start Living Better Today

    Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Why wait to start that journey? Get a personalized health plan and herbal remedies during your very first appointment, so you can start your path to a healthier, happier you. Start today.

    Rely on Rooted, Holistic Practice

    With Herbalist Mo, you can trust your health is in good hands. As one of the Midwest’s most experienced herbalists, Mo focuses on understanding the whole person and offering integrative solutions. Learn more.

    Herbalist Mo